Pakistan is fully prepared to respond any aggression of India: PM Imarn

Pakistan is fully prepared to respond any aggression of India: PM Imarn
Prime Minister Imran Khan has said India will be given a befitting response if it attempted to launch a false flag operation in Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

Addressing the main ceremony in Islamabad on Friday to express solidarity with Kashmiris, the Prime Minister said there are reports that India might resort to an operation in Azad Kashmir to diver international attention from inhuman situation in Occupied Kashmir.

Imran Khan said Pakistan Army is fully prepared to thwart any external aggression.

He, however, said that the world should realize that clash between two nuclear armed countries might result into loss to the whole world. He said he has already told the world leaders of the repercussions of this conflict, if they did not play their due role in resolving the Kashmir situation.

He said today's ceremony is aimed at apprising our Kashmiri brethren that we share their grief and pain and fully stand by them. Imran Khan said the message from Pakistan is loud and clear that Pakistani nation will launch full struggle to win freedom for Kashmiris. He said we will stand by Kashmiris till our last breath.

Mentioning the plight of Kashmiris, the Prime Minister said around eight million Kashmiris are under curfew for the last four weeks with total communication blockade and shortages of food and medicines.

Imran Khan said it is important to understand the type of government in India that has unleashed a wave of barbarity on Kashmiris. He said the incumbent Indian government is staunch follower of the ideology and philosophy of RSS.

The RSS was established in 1925 on the idea of superiority of Hindus and hatred against Muslims. Its roots are based on revulsion and fanaticism. This fanatic organization came into being after inspiring from the racist ideology of Adolph Hitler of Nazi Germany. The manifesto of RSS was either to expel Muslims from India or to turn them into second class citizens. And the latter is being witnessed in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir today.

Imran Khan said Indian government today is dominated by RSS ideology and they hate Muslims because Muslims ruled India for many centuries.

The Prime Minister regretted that response of the international community is muted when Muslims face persecution. He urged the world to break its silence and stop India from its brutalities.

Imran Khan vowed that he being the ambassador of Kashmir will fight the case of Kashmir at every intentional forum. He said his article published in New York Times today gives a glimpse to the world about kind of cruel environment the Kashmiris are facing. The Prime Minister said he also described in detail in his article the RSS ideology dominating India. The Prime Minister said the followers of RSS ideology in India only follow Hinduvta concept and ignore even the rulings of Indian Supreme Court.

He said even the moderate people in India are facing the consequences of this ideology. This ideology has negated the secular philosophy of Indian political stalwarts like Nehru and Gandhi. He said even Gandhi was killed by an RSS fanatic.

The Prime Minister said during his address at the UN General Assembly, he will expose the true face of India. He said in his diplomatic campaign after the illegal steps taken by India on 5th of this month, he apprised all the important world leaders of the appalling situation in Occupied Kashmir.

The Prime Minister warned that if this ideology is not stopped, it will reverberate the environment of Nazi Germany that resulted into world war two in which around 60 million people were killed.

Imran Khan said another campaign will be started soon with the message to lift curfew from Occupied Kashmir. He said during the campaign, important international figures and celebrities will be involved to raise the issue of human plight and tragedy in Occupied Kashmir at all international forums.

Imran Khan said he truly believes that the trump card played by India will result into the freedom of Kashmir.

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